Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Primordial Energy

Sri Devi Bhagavatha Maha Puranam is a tribute to the genius Maharishi Veda Vyasa that around with this text he has woven a panoptic vision of life, eternal truth and abiding values of energy. The Devi Bhagavatha puranam is a mighty ocean, several people approch the ocean for different purposes,though some collect sea weeds, some sand particals, and yet some dive deep into it and retrieve precious pearls.
Mr C.Rajagopalachari (philosopher and India's last governor-general) said: "Mythology is an integral part of religion like the skin that preserves a fruit with its juice and its taste. Mythology and holy epics are necessary for any great culture to rest on its stable spiritual fondation and function as a life - giving inspiraton and guide". He also says "the familiarity with our ancient heritage is necessary if we desire to preserve our individuality as a nation and serve the world through truthfullnes. Which alone can save mankind from error and extinction"
Vedas and puranas explains that there is only one primordial Sakthi and When she gives knowledge she is projected as Goddess Saraswathi. When she gives wealth she is projected as Goddess Lakshmi. and so on. Yet all are only different aspects of that primordial Sakthi. They are just symbolic to help people to concentrate to do meditation or worship as ones own priority.
Essentially there are two basic forms (1) Object. (2) Energy. or power.
Object is our body or
'Sivam' and Life is energy or 'Sakthi'. if the object has life or energy it can move, work and do other things. but without energy or life it is dead.`Sak' means energy the ability `to do' or `to act'. Sakthi devi worship is the worship of Energy which is personified as female and is Mother Goddess. She is regarded as the Supreme Creativity of the universe, when time of sustain it acts as protestant, the time of destruction it acts as destroyer of the universe...The earliest evidences regarding the prevalence of the mother Goddess worship have been traced from a large number of inscriptions, clay statues and seals which have been found from Indus Valley on the basis of which the history of the worshipers of the Mothergoddess.
Sir John Marshall
's archaeological Survey has recorded that the female statues found in Indus Valley are akin to those from Baluchistan, and over a wide range of countries, between Persia. and the Aegean,( the prehistoric civilization period and flourished on the various islands and nearby regions of the Aegean Sea, as at Crete and Argosies )notably in Elam, Mesopotamia, Egypt Transcaucasia, Balkans Asia-Minor, Syria, Palestine, Cyprus. He further points out that this type of resemblance brings out the fact that people of these lands used to consider Sakthi as the Supreme Divinity. Also the Vedic scholars accepted that the Sakthi as the supreme force..
This story is from Devi Bhagavatha puranam 1st skantham chapter 5.
Once Sri Mahavishnu had a battle with demons independently for a many long years finally he won and he became too exhausted so he came and selected a place without any bumps he sat down on padmasanam pose and he planted one side of his bow in the ground and other side is holding his chin and he slept deeply. In the mean time Indira according to his preseptors advice he wished to perform a huge Yagam so all devas including Brahma went to Vaikuntam to inform this to the great significance daity Sri Narayana. But they found Sri Narayana was not there so they confused for some time, at last they found his where abouts by their spritual vision and all arrived to the place and they saw him that he was in sound sleep. Indira asked Brahma that “O prabo what to do Sriman Narayana is in sound sleep how to make him to awake?” Brahma advised to Indira that all wait until he awake. Accordance they were waiting for so long still Vishnu was in deep sleap so Indira became worried and confused so again he asked other davas for the way to make him awake. Ekatasa Rudra advised that “O Indira previously brahma created insects kind its name is termite so you change your self as termite and bite the bow srting, and it will upright and when cut the string there will be a huge noise, with the sound of bow Narayana will get up from his sleep” O prabo is it not a sin waking-up when one in deep sleep”?he replied “Yes indeed it is a sin act but the Yagam should be performed in time so there is no other go” according to ekadasa rudra reluctantly Indira changed as termite and he bites the bowstring, when it sprang out of the bow Vishnu beheaded and the head flown and droped some were, no one could find the head. Devas stunned to see Vishnu's lifeless body, the horrible sight that had shock to the devas and felt terrible. Brahma said to Indira “I O Indira the first step we all pray to vedas then we all pray to Devi along with the Vedas.“ as brahma's advise all devas prayed to vedas, all the four vedas emerged as beings (They are called Veda Purushas) and all along with veda purushas prayed to Devi. Devi pleased with the hymn and appeared in front of Devas and said” O vedas I am pleased to your hymn because this hymn through Veda purushas so it is equal to vedas, whoever recite this hymn they will achieve to benefit as read all Vedas; she asked devas why this prayer and what purpose you all prayed to me”? All devas said “O Devi the universally significant deity Sri Vishnu beheaded why? and where we find his head? Devi replied that “ O devas first I tell you why he beheaded, then I tell you how to find; listen once Sri Mahalakshmi was having nice chatting with Sri Mahavishnu during their chat with no reason Vishnu ridiculously laugh loudly pointing to Lakshmi ; she angrily looking at him even though he did not stop his laugh, she rose anger furiously and she cursed him that his head to be fall into sea and cut into pieces. So her curse came true although all for good; now I tell you about his head, my ardent devotee called demon 
Hayagreeva did severe penance for long years to me so I appeared in front of him and asked him about his wishes and why this penance; he said Amma this penance is for mrutyu fear so I should not die for ever so please bestow me as my wises. I said Hayagreeva whoever born he has to die that is the rule so apart from this ask some other boon, he said brilliantly Amma except me like a creature I should not die from any and all, I bestowed as his wish, in the beginning he was good now he is giving heavy torture to sages, hermits, humans in future he will occupy devalogam also so to avoid this Brahma should create a white horse and take of its head and fix in Vishnu's body and he will shine with name Hayagreeva and he will kill the demon, said this she disappeared. According to devi's instruction brhama created a white horse head and fixed with Vishnu's body then Vishnu was transformed by the grace of Devi into a wondrous being, with immense strength,. He was known as Hayagreeva (horse-headed). Once Vishnu has being he prayed devi she appeared and blessed Hayagreevar. Lakshmi devi also appeared in front of devas and Hayagreevar married Lakshmi. Then he had battle with demon Hayagreeva and Vishnu won the battle and killed the demon.
my favorite and worshiped Puranam is Sri Devi Bhagavatha Puranam. If one devotedly read this ancient text will experience brighten knowledge, acquiring systematic study in field of Atma Rahasyam, increasing of willpower, the study of fundamental nature of reality, the consideration of academic discipline, doctrine of philosophy, moral philosophy, natural philosophy, philosophy of life, Space movement, Expansion,Circle,Action Biological matters, Physiology, ect through the thriving stories and are very useful to modern researches. Apart from devinity even in a nomal human life a woman stands as a mother, for a generous need as an elder sister, for voluntary needs a younger sister, a grand mother to narrate ancient stories, A girl to love. A daughter to be affectionate, aunt for cordiality, and a wife to provide the necessities of life these are Sakthi's aspects. with out energy (Woman) no one can experience the worldly life.

'Ya devi sarvaboodeshu matru roopena samsthitha
Namasthasyai, Namasthasyai Namo Namaha' ||

'jñānānanda mayaṃ devaṃ nirmala sphaṭikākṛtiṃ
ādhāraṃ sarvavidyānaṃ hayagrīvaṃ upāsmahe

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Mode of Existence

Hinduism believe in the immortal of the four Vedas, these primordial hymns are God's word and the basic principle of Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion. It has grown based on its vast sources of ancient Vedas, 108 Upanishats, Epics, Puranas and other religious texts. Understanding Vedas are a tough task unless one is a genius; hence all Puranic scriptures came for easy understanding to a common people, which are fully essence of Vedas.
This story is from Sri Vishnu Puranam. 2Nd Amsam
Bharata was born in the Solar Dynasty, in the line of Svayambhuva Manu , the eldest of a hundred sons of a saintly king by the name of Rishabhaswar who ruled over the earth. When Rishabhaswar became old he entrusted the rule of his kingdom to Bharata and retired to the forest to perform austerity.
Bharata married a girl named Panchajani and five sons were born to them. Bharata ruled the earth for a long time in a just manner. He performed a number of yagas, worshipped God in the prescribed manner and did many dharmic acts. Thus, he earned much merit. Whenever time permits he use to go to the forest and stay in the hermitage of the Rishi Pulaha on the banks of river Gandaki and by means of his austerities he became a great sage. When Bharata became old, he divided his kingdom among his five sons and, following his father, went to the forest to perform austerity.
One day as usual he went to river to have bath, also there was a deer came to drink water to the same river it was full term pregnant when it was drinking water heard the roaring sound of a line it fearfully ran and climb a near by hill but unexpectedly it delivered, the baby fawn fall in the river but the mother deer died on shock. The sage Bharatha saw this and pity on the baby fawn he took to his hermitage and he brought up with affection, in the due course he was so attached with it and always his thinking, passion, love only with the deer, he forgot all his asceticism all the time he was after the deer. At last he fall sick and died. Consequently he re-born as a deer. However because of his previous virtues austerity he has complete memory of his previous birth,(The Vedas Puranas say that a man will be born in his next birth as that thing about which he was thinking most at the time of his death. Therefore wise men advise people to think of Supreme Personality of Parabrahmam Sri Krishna, Sri Rama so that it will become a habit and thus after death achieve God's abode.) As a result of his austerity and merits having almost reached perfection but cause of attachment on the deer he held up yet Bharata (born as deer ) could remember its past by the Lord's grace. It regretted: "How foolish of me to have forgotten my austerity and become attached to an animal? And now I suffer for it, being born an animal. I shall not repeat the mistake." thinking this the deer left its mother and began living in the vicinity of a sages hermitages spending all its time thinking of God. One day it died near the hermitage and again he born to a Brahmin family, and he born with previous virtues knowledge and he also learnt Vedas sastras he became as genius so he attained atma gyanam (self realization) so he did not have any of customs or formalities. His father was regretfully worried about him one day because of his worry on his son he fall sick and died. After his father all his elder brothers use to insult him and their wives were giving the stale food to him at last his brothers put him to watch their fields like a scarecrow. He never hesitate to eat any kind of food or to work. he looks strong and all his hair completely became Curling Locks so people use to call him as 'Jadabharathar' though he is an Atma gyani he was leading his life like an ignorant. One day there was a group of Kapalikas (introduction: The Kapalikas are so arrogant and the quality of nature being impure and are against Vedic laws.) where searching a person to give Narabali to their deity, so when they were searching they saw Jada Bharathar and immediately ran to their chief and told that they have found a person sitting alone in the field. The chief happily ordered them to bring him so they came and took him to the chief, Jadabharathar did not hesitate just he followed them. the chief saw him and asked his men to do the preparation to give offer to their deity. They took him to near a water source, made him to sit on a rock and poured water on him, dressed him with a wild flower garland brought and made him to sit in front of the sacrificial pit. The chief was chanting the hymn loudly the flame rose very high all of sudden Devi Kali ferociously emerged from the fire she killed all the Kapalikas blessed Jadabharathar and disappeared. Jadabharathar came out of the cave walked for few yards found a road side 
rock he came and sitting there. In the mean time the king Rahugana of Sauvira Kingdom were looking for a man to help them to carry the king's palanquin. The soldiers took Jadabharathar and made him one of the four to carry the palanquin. The king was going to Sage Kapila's hermitage on the banks of the river Ikshumati to gain spiritual knowledge, ('though Jadabharathar was a scholar he has to deprive his past deeds so he was carrying the palanquin') Whenever Jadabharathar saw insects on the ground he jumped above them and that made the palanquin jerk violently. The king who was riding bumped his head as a result, also the king felt the palanquin's movement was very slow. The king got very annoyed and ordered them to walk fast, but there is no change but the king more irritated and shouted them so all other bearers told to king that “your majesty we are going fast but this new man is moving very slow” as soon as the king saw Jadabharathar asked him "What is wrong?" "Haven’t you borne the palanquin only for a little while? How is it that you are tired? Can’t you bear a little burden? You look quite strong to me.?"
Jadabharathar saw the king and replied “O king I am neither bearing the palanquin nor strong, moreover I am either tired or feeling sorrow” heard this the King without understanding the meaning of the words said” Yes indeed you look strong, you are bearing my palanquin on your shoulders in this mean any of the man or animal will feel tired why are you bluffing to me?
Jadabharathar replied that “O king you said that you have seen some thing tell me first about that thing then we can discourse about strong, furthermore you said that I am bearing the palanquin, that statement is absolutely lie; I tell you something two feet on the ground two legs on the feet then thighs the part of the leg between the hip and the knee then stomach, and it is supporting the chest two hands shoulders. the palanquin is on the shoulders wherefore how I feel heavy?”. in addition your body is sitting in the palanquin in the same way my body part is bearing the palanquin in the this way 'you' are in your body 'I' am also in my body O king realize you, me and others are bearing on five elements,(Pancha bootham) even this five elements also sunk into nature as ocean acting according to its order, the Philosophy is based on nature, and the nature controls the deeds, the deeds earns by ignorance, yet 'Atman' is ever pure, it would not destroyed, grow or no death, it is always same and greater than any thing in the world. Hence how did you tell me as I am corpulent? Besides If I feel heavy you and others also have the same feeling, not only the palanquin even this forest, mountain, home every thing is weight to a mankind however the atman is different from the body so there is no question that I am bearing this palanquin". Saying this he proceed further bearing the palanquin.
The king was struck by the reply. He asked to stop the palanquin and stepped down and falling at the feet of Jadabharathar asked him to forgive him for his ignorance and said O swamy who are you I request you to teach the sacred knowledge”. Then Jadabharathar sat on near by a rock and said “O king you asked me that who am I, explain you I am enable to answer that who am I, all (jevatma) the living souls taken the body according to their pious or sin deeds, moreover why did you come and what is a cause, for these inquisitions the replay is ones ultimate past experiences are the reason to involving the present deeds.”
The king said to Jadabharathar that “Swamy you said that taking the body the root cause according to ones pious or sin deeds. Fine I understood but entirely absent lacking a thing is 'Atman' there is no crime to use by particular name, wherefore how did you tell I enable to answer who am I.?
Jadabharathar answered O king even though if one identify by names which is pointing out of his body, I already told you body is different from Atma. So calling by name is incorrect act. O king which one is pronouncing I? either eyes, or the tongue? Nothing, they are only instruments, the ultimate reality is 'I' any thing greater than this? perhaps you know who am I and how did you call me? So Atma is ever pure the rest of things are never pure. Your body ,this palanquin or we bearers bodies are not lasting objects but (Jeeva) energy is ever lasting one. I tell you some thing this palanquin previously it was a tree, then it cut into pieces then made as a palanquin at last it will break into pieces but it can not become a tree. can any one call it tree, or wood pieces? People are calling it as palanquin. But its reality is just a setup. In the same way you were a son to your father, than you are a king to the kingdom, then you are a husband to a girl, then you are a father to your son so what is and who are you to this body? head, or nose, or hands how one call you? once past deed bring into existence as a man, woman, animal, tree etc. But as we pronouncing word 'you' or 'I' which has no differences as a man,woman etc, it is called “Eternal Reality” or “Self Reality”..(Jeevan Mukthi)
The king heard Jadabharathar speech about Atma sakshatkaram and said “O mahaprabo I was going to kabila Rishi to take initiation about atma sakshatkaram but I bestowed from you, the worldly people will say that kabila Rishi is Sakshat Sri Vishnu's aspect though I presume that you are Sakshat kabila, Swami more I wish to know which one is good to me, I am requesting you with full confidence in you kindly let me know with your best wishes please explain to me” what is more goodness to my life? Kindly explain to me.
Jadabharathar asked “O king are you asking me about shreyas or Paramartham? Because shreyas and Paramartham are not the same they are different. If a man who worships particular deity for wealth and from that wealth performing pious deed is called shreyas. otherwise if one wish attainment for that performing Yaga or Yagna that act is also called shreyas, perhaps any one doing all yaga, yoga profound religious meditation and sticking with atma gyanam without any desires that is the superior and attaining Paramapadham which is the most superior shreyas. Like these there are seven Interchangeable and important subdivisions are also there even though all these are not paramartas. Because wealth is spend for desires and deeds besides deeds through earning all achievements will not stay so that is not paramartham. Even according to Vedas rules followed all performing yagya yagas are also not paramartham. Those above mentioned are without doubt all are shreyas. O king you always remember that Meditation gyana yoga all that for jevatma to mingle with paramatma that kind of dyanam is not true, because one thing will not join with another thing Jeevatma never mix with Paramatma also jevatma never become paramatma, so avoid that kind of austerity. I explain you briefly what is paramartham . listen Carefully only power of the mind to think, understand, that there is only one object it is invariably pervading shining brilliantly but different and free from three Gunas; (means satva,rajas, and tamas natures) no relativity with five elements(pancha bootham) stainless, it is the mind controlling knowledge, and more knowledbly avoiding differentiate policies between clans, divinities and any lives. It is Stable and the state of being equal to all, firmly believing all other mankind, birds, beasts, trees and the other things are also having the same atma swaroopam this kind of act is called Paramartham.
It is so important to learn a true tale of scholarly quality is a pious deed, the ancient days people followed the system of ethics absolute truth personal discipline good conduct, purification, pilgrimage, elf-inquiry, meditation and surrender in God as guided by spiritual preceptors. Now people's life style has been changed 90% people are not believing any spiritual qualities, if one think there is a time to do later can see that time never come, if one is not ready to do or follow our ancient scriptures right now he can not do even in feature hence we have to alot some time to follow our acharyas/gurus steps. "A man becomes liberated when he severs all attachment through wisdom, keeps the company of great souls and sings and listens to the praise of God!"

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Value of Monosyllable

All our Vadic prayers begins with the pranava mantram AUM. The sound AUM produced by stimulation of the organs of hearing by vibrations transmitted through the air is considered to have a profound effect on the body and mind, also creates a calmness, serenity,and healing strength. When one chant OM, he merges with the pure expression of the energy within himself, which is the eternal home of the spirit of life. It is believed that as creation began, the divine, all and every enveloping acute awareness taken the form of the first and original vibration manifesting as sound "AUM"
It is said before creation it was "Sunyaksha",means there was no sky, every were completely emptiness; there was nothing, once the power of Supreme revealed the divine truth letter by letter, A-U-M the divine energy united in its three elementary aspects: Bhrahma Sakti (creation), Vishnu Sakti (preservation) and Siva Sakti (liberation,). "OM" the manifestation of God in form of"saguna brahman". "OM" is the reflection of the absolute reality, and there is neither beginning nor end "Adi Anadi", (meaning: no beginning and no end)
The Siva puranam explicate that The great sages saw with their spiritual vision the phenomenal Image of Parabrahmam as in Linga swaroopam (incarnation) which no one can explain and no one can understand.
Brahmam ( as different from Brahmah ) has no beginning and also it has no end. This is neither sthulam (body) nor sukshumam.(concepts) Everything is Brahmam and Brahmam is everything. Brahmam lovingly created prakruthi (Mayadevi) with eight hands - bright luminous and resplendent in all fine jewelry. At the same time he created a handsome man also.
As the man and the Devi who thus came into being were contemplating why they had been created an invisible voice told both to do penance. Accordingly they did penence for long number of years as advised by the voice. In the process they both were sweating and the sweat flowed like a stream from their body and the water became an ocean. The man and the Devi created by Brahmam went into 'yoga-nidra'. From that time the man was named Narayana and the prakruthi devi was called Narayini..( Prakruthi is the primordial matter which became the universe through the process of evolution.) From the navel of Narayana came out a nice fragrant lotus with innumerable petals. and an immeasurably long and wide stalk. Brahma - the creator incarnated in the lotus.
h saw around him. He couldn't understand anything - who he was, where-from he came, why he was created and so forth. Hence he went down through the lotus stalk on and on for years and years but he could not reach the bottom. He became very tired and turned round and began going up the stalk again for years and years. He could not reach the top either. He was bewildered when he heard an invisible voice which asked him to do penance.
Accordingly he did penance for 12 years. At last Sri Narayana appeared in front him. Brahma asked him who he was and why he had appeared before him. Narayana said " I am the one that created you to do the work of creation". Brahma was disbelieving and retorted " you say that I have been created to carry on the work of creation. But I did not create you. Then how did you come into being ?" They were quarreling harshly when suddenly there appeared a luminous bright Jyothi (light). They both looked at the four directions for the source of the brightness. A big “stanu” (means pillar) appeared in front of them. They were stunned and stopped quarrelling. Narayana said to Brahma "you go up and see where this begins at the top and I will go down and see the end at the bottom"
Narayana took form of the a white boar and drilling the earth went deep down. From that time he was called 'Swedha Varaham' and the 'kalpam' became 'swedha varaha-kalpam'.(even today when we do any pooja 'sangalpam' this word 'swedha varaha kalpe' is mentioned) Brahma went up on his Hamsa vahanam (meaning: 'Hamsa' is a swan & 'Vahanam' is mount). Years passed and they could not locate the end nor the beginning. and they became humble and realized that there was one above them. 

When they were doing prayer they heard sound "AUM" . They were searching for the source of the divine sound and they saw the letters 'agaaram' ( a ) on the south, on the north they saw " ugaaram " ( U ) and in between the "Magaaram" ( M ). and the first letter ' Agaaram' was like 'Surya Mandalapradesam' ( sun ) ugaram was like the brightness of Agni ( like fire) and 'Maagaram' was like the Chandra mandala pradesam ( moon the satellite). Over that there appeared the "brahmam" bright like spadigam (pure crystal) with five faces and ten arms and with priceless jewels. God 'Parabrahmam' appeared in Jyothi swaroopam.
Narayana and Brahma bowed to Easwara and asked him " My lord, who are you ? Please explain to us about your avathara." Brahmam said " I am the one that created Narayana and Narayana created Brahmah. I am everything and every-thing is I. I am the "Brahmam". He told Brahmah " Vishnu is my creation and he created you to carry on the task of creation." he told Vishnu " I have created you to sustain the universe. Rudhra who will be the liberator is also my aspect." Vishnu Brahma and Rudra are from me” Vishnu asked Brahmam " My Lord we now know the purpose of our creation how will be get the 'sakthi' to do our duties."
Brahmam was very happy and taught them "Om Thatvamasi" 'Maha-vakyam' (Mahavakyam means the great sentences) and Mrithyn-jayam, Pancha-ksharam, Chinthamani, and Dhakshina-moorthi Moola Jabam Brahma and Vishnu bowed to the lord. Brahmam told them "Narayana, I am in 'Lingam' exactly how I appear now before you with 5 faces. I will fulfil the desires of all my devotees.
On my right side is Brahmah, on my left Vishnu and in centre Rudran - all three united in me. You three are only my 'swaroopam' created to carry on the three duties of creation, sustenance and liberation . Though you are my 'swaroopam' I have no bondage with you. you three can do your duties independently You pray me so that the universe you will create in future will be prosperous and people will take you as an example and be devoted to me.
According to philosophy , the letter A represents creation, the letter U refers to sustenance Vishnu and the letter M symbolizes Rudra the final part of the cycle of existence, more broadly, OM it is said to be the primordial sound that was present at the creation of the universe. the original sound that contains all other sounds, all words, all languages and all hymns.
The OM consists three., A (Vaishvanara), U (Hiranyagarbha), and M (Isvara), which symbolize the beginning, duration, and dissolution of the universe and the associated gods respectively Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva, 
Sage Patanjali says in his yoga sutra 1.28, OM should be chanted keeping its meaning and significance in mind. Since OM is the representative sound and symbol for Ishvara, it is important to keep the essence of Ishvara in mind while chanting OM. He is teaching the method for chanting OM.
Sit in a comfortable cross-legged (Padmasanam pose) seated posture with the spine upright, head, neck and spine in a vertical alignment. Close the eyes and take a deep inhalation. While exhaling start with audible expression the OM sound. Begin by feeling the vibration of the "O" sound building up in the navel part and raising upward and continue to chant, feel the vibration moving upward toward the base of the throat. When the vibration reaches the throat, convert the sound to a deep vocalizing sound of "M". Continue to feel the vibration moving upward until it reaches the crown of the head (called Sahasrara Padmam). You may repeat this process two or more times. At the end of the final chant, continue to sit still and feel the vibration of the OM sound to pass through the entire body.
It is said Sage Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the most ancient and authentic texts on Yoga, further he said "Ishwara is a particular Purusha Who has no bandages. His designation is the Pranavam which is OM. Ones constant reiteration will vanish all obstacles, Disease, doubt, carelessness, laziness .,the main cause of mind distraction will arise because of rejection of belief, non-achievement, instability, Certainly the pranava OM recitation will remove all the obstacles the constant practice of the Meditation of 'OM'. will bring wellness.
Sage Padanjali emphasized that the continued recitation of OM is called Udgita Pranayama (Means recitation) which fills one with peace, calmness, serenity. When one recite it with complete confidence and understanding OM with keep mind on Ishvara, it will bring to closer to true nature, pure self. OM is the primordial sound and this entire creation is a manifestation of this divine sound. It represents the cosmic prana (the vital energy or atman).
Sri Krishna says in Bhagavat Gita: "I am the syllable AUM."(Gita 7:8) He also says the same thing in 9:17 "I am...the sacred monosyllable" and 10:25 "Among words I am the monosyllable AUM". Further Sri Krishna says "Involved in the practice of concentration... reiteration the monosyllable OM--the Brahman--(Atma) remembering Me always, he...attains to the supreme goal. I am easily attainable by that ever-unshakable Yogi who constantly and daily remembers Me."– Bhagavad Gita 6:13; 8:12-14.
The Modern medical report says: The “OM”chant helps to bringing a sense of peace, When chanting in repetition “OM” for 20 minutes morning and evening is refreshing, strengthening and an effective way to release stress. The benefits of chanting “OM.”
Physiological Effects:1.slows the heart beat 2.relaxes muscles 3.calms the body 4. blood pressure brings normal 5.oxygenates the blood 6.massages the spine, chest, core, throat and head through vibrations 7. generate the relaxation 8.improves the health performance 9.increases clarity and concentrated focus 10 soothes the mind.
To chant AUM there is no formality and no age limitation and also no gender differences.
