Monday, January 12, 2015

Enlighting Event

According to mythology and Vedas the sun is god and the existing divine,the sun is described as sun god is in red coloured with three eyes four arms and sitting on a chariot carried by seven horses. Charioteer is called arunadeva and the horses are consider the planets and sun god is important deity. The sun god is also believed to bring good fortune. So Soorya deva is described in the scriptures Purana Idhikasas and Vedas in a great manner. A popular story from Devi Mahapuranam Yadava king Satrajit worshipped sun god and god appeared in front of him and bestowed a chain called Syamanthaka and it would produce for eight bharas of gold daily. (the measure it is said"Four kundhumani  is are one gunja; five gunjas, one pana; eight panas, one karsa; four karsas, one pala; and one hundred palas, onetula. Twenty tulās one bhara." there are about 3,700 kundumanis in an ounce;”) the Syamantaka was producing approximately 170 pounds of gold every day. It was also the source of the reflecting brilliant power occurrence of the Sun god. Another story in Mahabharatham Yudhirstra worshipped  Sooryadeva and he bestowed 'akshaya patram' and so on.
The modern astronomy note says (this details I read in internet) that the Sun is the star at the centre of the Solar System.It is almost round shape and consists of hot plasma inter linking with magnetic areas. and its weighs about 332,950 times the Earth's addition chemically about three quarters of the Sun's mass consists of hydrogen,whereas the rest is mostly helium. The explanation about helium. Most stars, after converting a significant portion of their hydrogen to helium cause an internal change, the internal midpoint collapses,and heats up, until it is hot enough to fuse helium into larger atoms, At this same time, some helium with the carbon to produce oxygen. there is still enough hydrogen to fuse into more helium. But the inner most parts begins into larger atoms. This, by the way, is the transition from a 'normal' star become sun to a red giant. The remaining part consists of heavier elements, including oxygen, carbon, neon andiron, among others. In addition that the silicon absorbs sun light and passes that energy to the accelerates to split water into unit of hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is a fuel that can be either burned or used in a fuel cell to create electricity, reforming water in either case. This means that in theory, anyone with access to water can use it to create a inexpensive, clean, fuel.

Surya Siddhanta has been one of the astronomical Siddhanta which has been worked out by a number of astronomers from time to time. The work of Surya Siddhanta has been in the book Panchasiddhantika author is Varahamihira.
Varāhamihira 505–587CE astronomer, mathematician, and astrologer who lived in Ujjaini.He was born in Avanti region. He was educated at Kapitthaka.He is considered to be one of the nine jewels (Navaratnas) of the court of legendary ruler King Vikramaditya.
Itis said Panacha siddhanthika is a written material on mathematical astronomy and it expresses five earlier astronomical materials, which are the Surya Siddhanta, Romaka Siddhanta, Paulisa Siddhanta,Vasishtha Siddhanta and Paitamaha Siddhantas. It is a collection of Vedanga Jyotisha, as well as relating to the Greeks astronomy Egyptian and Roman elements. He was the first one to mention in his work Pancha Siddhantika that the ayanams, (Dhakshinayanam/Utrayanam)or the shifting of the cosmic time.
The old version of Surya Siddhanta it is said which was summarized by Varahamihira had been much different from the present day version of Surya Siddhanta which was developed in 400AD. Surya Siddhanta has been referred by many number of astronomers from time to time which include Aryabhata I.
Withthe sun's travel now it is Utrayanam punya kalam is beginning and Sankaranthi celebration begins. Sakranti means to go from one place to another place (to change direction). The time when the sun changes direction from one constellation to another is called Sankranti.
Transition of the Sun from Sagittarius to Capricorn(Dhadusu to Maharan) during the winter cosmic time in the northern geographical region(Uttarayanam) is known as Makara Sakranti. The day when the sunbegins its northward journey falls in 14th January. which is constant every year. Only during the leap year will be on 15thJanuary, For the people of the northern geographical region, the northward path of the sun marks the period when the sun is getting closer and closer to them, when the days are getting longer, and it is becoming warmer to hottest.
There are 12 sankaranthis every month transition from one zodiac sign to another. but two of these are most prominent;
Those two are Mesha Sakrantiand Makara Sakranti they are called Dhakshinayanam and Uthirayanam. Every special reasons make the northward journey of the sun sacred and auspicious.
Science connects great importance to the sun. The philosophy greets to worship as lord so we all understand that the sun is all important, the tireless and the source of light and energy. Without sunlight no one will live This is why the sun’s existence, movements and positions in the universe are so important . If one worship the sun he has a specified heights for knowledge, spiritual light and wisdom. In fact, the sun itself stands for all the ideals of the Pongal festival. Its message is that of peace, unity, harmony and truthfulness are the great heights of philosophical doctrines of Karma Yoga.
During this holy festival we learn to feel our unity with all creation; true knowledge, piousness, kindness, love, purity and forgiveness. Our real wealth is the goodwill, courteous, gracious; and true friendship.
Makara Sakranti is base to faraway the ignorance, and begin to light on toget the Lords graceful shine from brighter to brightest luminously in our life. We all delightfully begin to walk on righteous path to get Suryadeva's bestowed wisdom, purity, and knowledge.

(press ctrl+click on the URL above given) Kindly listen surya upanishat .

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