Saturday, February 13, 2016
The Great Sages
The Saptarishis are the seven rishis who are praised highly at many places in the Vedas and Epics. They are regarded as the head of religious personalities of the Vedic religion. However, it is said the Vedic Samhitas has not mention them separately in order; later Vedic texts such as the Upanishads do so.
The earliest list of the Seven Rishis It is said according to Jaiminiya Brahmana 2.218-221: Vasishta, Bharadwaj, Jamadagni, Gaudhama Atri, Visvamitra and Agastya, followed by Brihadaranyaka Upanisad 2.2.6 with a little different list: Gautama and Bharadvaja, Visvamitra and Jamadagni, Vashista and Kasyapa and Atri, Brighu. The late Gopatha Brahmana 1.2.8 has Vashista, Visvamitra, Jamadagni, Gautama, Bharadvaja, Gungu, Agastya, Bhrigu and Kaśyapa. More thing it is said The post Vedic system some of these rishis were recognized as the 'mind born sons' (manasa putras) of Brahma, the Creator. Since these seven rishis were also among the primary eight rishis, who were considered to be the ancestors of the is said this is the first list of Vasishta, Marichi, Pulasia, Pulaha, Atri, Angirasa, and Kartru
It is said the Saptarishis keep changing for every Yuga. According sastras, there are four yugas. We all aware yet I remind you They are Krita Yugam Treta Yugam, Dvapara Yugam and Kali Yugam. We are at present in Kali Yugam, which started at 3102 BCE with the end of the Mahabharatam war.
According to Srimat Bhagavata Puranam which will last till approximately 432,000 years. we are in 5107 years now in 2022. Dvapara Yuga is twice long then Kali Yuga. Treta Yuga is thrice longer than Kali Yuga and Krita Yuga is four times longest then Kali Yuga. According to calculation 4,320,000 years’ time period as 1 Chaturyuga. 1000 Chaturyugas make the day of Half day to Brahma (Creator) and during another Half Day, Brahma's rest time at that time there is no creation.
Thus 1 day for Brahma constitutes 1000 Chaturyugas = 4,320,000,000 years. Thus 1 year constitutes 360 x 4,320,000,000 = 1,555,200,000,000 years; lifespan of Brahma is 100 years = 100 x 1,555,200,000,000 = 155,520,000,000,000 years.
Sapta Rishis are the Series working under the guidance of the Parmatma. The present group of Sapta RishiS is Bhrigu, Atri, Angirasa Vasishta, Pulastya, Pulalaha and Kratu. They are naturally Evolved protectors and keepers of all creation.
Sapta Rishis part In Mahabharata Drona was the head of the Kaurava army after Bhishma's fall. Dronachari fought ferociously. The wounded and the dead soldiers were innumerable. The outcry of pain, the sound waves reached to the heaven. Blood flowed as a river on the battlefield. the pity show was heap of wild birds were sitting on the dead bodies and eating them as their prey. The murdering rate was innumerable beyond all human estimation, Drona stood like a cruel hero of demonic quality.
Sapta rishi saw Drona and they were very very sad, Sage Atri said to other Rishis If we not interfere in his cruel act the Varnasrama Dharmam will be worse so we go to battlefield and we tell him to stop his crurel action, so Atri with others entered the battlefield in apt time. It was at this time Yudhishthira shouted as instruction of Lord Krishna saying that Ashwatthama killed in the battle to discourage Drona from fighting any longer. This is the crowned atrocious and worst acts in the entire Mahabharatam. This put Drona off completely. He lost his hope He rose with anger. This sent danger signal all around. Drona saw Sage Atri with the group of RishiS but he was not in mood to do anything; though Sage Atri felt pity on him and made him alight from the chariot and had a talk to him in a friendly manner, consoled him.
Atri Maharishi Said “Dear Drona, all along you have done everything against Dharma act. This war you are engaged in is the outstanding proof. It is enough and stop it. Stop this doing mass murder. You are a good brahmin. This is Inappropriate act with your being. You are a scholar of Veda Vedanta par excellence. You have been a Brahmin and you have to practice dharma. This cruel act does not fit for you. Give up your weapons, fix your mind in our glorious Sanathana Dharma. See how many terrible prahamstram applied on countless innocent soldiers. you are a genius philosopher; Put an end to your meaningless killing.' When Atri said that, the Brhamarishi's Upadesam and Sapta Rishi Darshanam; once he heard that advice Dronachary had not open his mouth with eyes full of tears he did circumambulation from left to right to saptarishi and did namaskarams many times and he decided to give up his arms and stop killing. He has driven away his anger, jealousy, and sense of revenge and his heart became pure and light. He sat in a yogic posture and started to meditate amidst the cries of pain, blood flow of the battlefield. He has fixed his mind on Lord Vishnu, and closed his eyes and then never opened.
Sage Atri's kind advise and Sapta RishiS dharshanam helped and saved him. Usually, Hindu Marriages will be fixed with the gotrams.
This system is under the rule of the traditional system.
Sa gothra means same Gotra system maraiged will not accepted by Hindu rule. The Sanskrit word 'sagotra' is union the words 'sa' + gotra. 'Sa means same. It is common practice, Hindu arranged marriages to inquiring about the (kula-gotram) clan lineage of the bride and groom before approaching to set the marriage. But that system's will not applicable to Love marraiges
There is a practice in Hindu Marraiges, after Mangalya dharanam the newly married couple should see Arundhati and Vasishta maharishis dharshanam see the sky do the namaskarams to the rishi couple from the earth to get the rishi couples blessings.
Others may think that how is possible but the Austromners's opinion ‘Arundhati’ stands for Alcor. Mirza stands Vasishta. But the Alcore and Mirza always joined together so Arundhati Vasister (Mizar-Alcor) cannot be seen separately. it will be close form the sky to earth so anybody can see them with bare eys. There is no need to were any special Glasses
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