Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Drop of Tear Mingle the Ocean

Moksha the meaning is  Salvation, a welcome relief or deliverance from something: What we should get rid of from our life? there is a story my grandfather  use to tell me. This is an old story but I have modified a little. . There was a  master wished to teach the humanistic discipline in a  practical way. So he brought a glass jar, a basket full of small rock pieces, a basket full of sand ,and another half basket full of  small pebbles, and said to the students  “My dear  students I have brought some thing to teach you in a practical way, hence I show you something and tell me whatsoever you see.”  accordingly the master showed things one by one which he brought and the students identified  correctly. Now he showed the empty jar and the students replied  “empty jar” than the master filled the jar with the rocks, he then asked the students if the jar was full. The Students agreed, “Yes”
So the master  then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The master  picked up a basket  of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded “Yes.”
“Now,” the master  said to the students , “I want you to identify the things, that this jar represents a Man. The rocks are the important things to his life, Education, Job,  Family, ,Health,  Morality, Devotion  and Quality of the life...
The pebbles are the other things that easy matter – like Wealth, House, and Car etc. The sand is all unnecessary habits like alcohol , cigarettes tobacco , drugs or some thing else”
“If anyone put first the sand into the jar,....there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same filled the jar..
If one  spend all his  time and energy on the unwanted stuff, He will never have room for the things that are important to his life .One should pay attention to the things that are critical to his happiness. ,first work hard like the rocks – other  things that really matter. Set your priorities. Avoid the sand.”
This  kind of theology one learned  in his younger ages, once grow old he has to study  the same theme  in different way, it will be  a little hard form.  like doing masters or PhD the lessons too a little tough  to learn. Alike to gain  bestowal should  do deep meditation and should pray again and again for the ultimate goal.
Ones ultimate goal is “Moksham.” To  achieve this  by a living life is really hard.. However, one has to worship almighty of god for release from the wheel of birth  and achieve  the ultimate award that  union with God.
Many religious practices and rites of passage are aimed to liberation. Particularly relevant are those designed to remove our attachment to this world and its temporary pleasures. Ones action, especially in his  old age,   he  should control  his mind, lust, anger, greed, and avoid the involvement of the unnecessary activities. All  his  attention and focus only on necessary spiritual needs.   
Now we see our achariyas and guru's instructions.
Advaita  means "non-duality." This is the oldest and most widely acknowledged Vedantic educational institution. Its first cause of great master was  Adi Shankaracharya (788 CE – 820 CE),  He wrote extensive commentaries on the major Vedantic scriptures and was successfully made  improvement and advanced  human way of life.
Atman means 'eternal self'. The atman refers to the real self, and It is also  referred  as 'spirit' or 'soul' and indicates our true self.
Each living thing – means not only people, even  animals, plants too have an atman . The atman is not the body; the other word the body is non eternal. The body is abode to the atman until it dies. Atman is immortal and everlasting.
 He describes that  we are divine. All living things are divine in their inner  selves. The  divine self may be  covered  by the  negative aspects, yet   it is our "true" and "eternal" selves.
Adi Sankara Bhagavatha pada elaborates in his vedanthas, moksham can achievable by removing ignorance (avidya). Moksha can be  seen if relieve from illusion through knowledge by his own fundamental nature experience, which is Sat Cit Ananda.(means Sat-honest. Cit-make attentive. Anantha- Endlessness or Eternal)   Most honest, knowledgeable practice will attain blissful  endless eternal height.
 According to advaita rule there is no difference  between  Atman, Brahman, and Paramatman.  Advaita Vedanta emphasizes Jnana Yoga path is certainly achievable way to  Moksha or Bliss. Further he says Brahman is the only one  reality, and other than  is nothing.  The occurrence of dual quality  and differences in this world is an super imposition  on Brahman, called Maya. Maya is the illusion and creative aspect of Brahman, which causes the world to arise. Maya is neither existent nor nonexistent. When a person tries to know Brahman through his mind, only one  can do know with  influence of Maya, Brahman appears as God (Ishvara).There is no difference between the personal soul (Jivatma) and Brahman. The spiritual practices such as: devotion to God, meditation and  selfless action etc, purifies the mind and indirectly helps in realize to real. The unknown knowledge  whose  vision will be  unclear by ignorance he does not see the non-dual nature of reality; as the blind can not see the luminously bright  Sun. Hence, the only direct cause of liberation is self-knowledge which directly removes the ignorance. After realization, one sees one's own self and the Universe as the same, non-dual Brahman, Universally  Knowledge, Bliss and free from imperfection.
Brahman is "cosmic soul." It is the eternal essence of the universe and the ultimate divine reality. It is the life source of all that has been, one  and will be throughout the entire cosmos. It is not an individual being - it is more like the central  reality of all being and existence.
Ramana Maharshi says, one that there exists one indivisible reality, which is both subjective and directly experienced by everyone, and is, the source, substance and real nature of all that exists. (The term he used most frequently for this reality was "the Self)
Atman basically means your eternal self, the spiritual essence of who you are. It is not the body you  dwell in;  we can try to remember this with a sort of play on words, saying atman is the spiritual essence of who 'I am.'  This awareness is by its very nature being consciousness, bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda).
The mind is a wondrous power residing in the self. It causes all thoughts to arise. Apart from thoughts, there is no such thing as mind. So, thought is the nature of mind. Apart from thoughts, there is no other things called the world. An instance, In deep sleep there are no thoughts, and there is no world. In  the condition of  waking and dream, there are thoughts, and there is a world also.
Just as the spider discharges the thread by itself and  than it  withdraws it into itself, likewise the mind projects the world out of itself and again resolves it into itself. When the mind leaves the Self, the world appears. , when the world appears, the Self does not appear; and when the Self  shines  the world does not appear. the  old and young, people of all ages should have  bhakthi.  Bhakti can be done in four ways:
To the Supreme Self (Atma-Bhakti) To God or the Cosmic Lord as a formless being (Ishvara-Bhakti) To God in the form of various Gods or Goddesses (Ishta Devata-Bhakti) To God in the form of the Guru (Guru-Bhakti)

All our Sages Gurus and epics puranas, Vedas and Upanishats Bhagavat gita  are emphasizing about Dharma-Artha-Kama- Moksham' (meanings:- dharma-relating to justice or virtue, artha- respectable honorable- kama- god of love,desires,- moksha- release, relive, redemption, or salvation)so for that they have shown the path to do devotion.   Many  of beings with their deep  devotion, concentration , Discipline, determination, excellent Guru , purity of mind, awareness, self-control and desire less actions achieved and success on  above mentioned  path, and also many have self realization. (Jevan mukthar) In the olden days this was very easy but  the present days really very hard even to think. The modern days unawareness, and non acceptable qualities become a high rate on  ratio level. Because of alien rule for many years all the practices mixed up.   Devi Bhagavata puranam and Garuda puranam mentioned  relating to an underworld of the dead. Which means all sinners  will get those kind of punishments. According to Hindu religion there is no hell or heaven. The meaning  all the pious or impious deeds one should experience during their life time. If anything balance they have to experience by his next birth.   For example epic mahabharatram shows in practical way Dharma putrar's chariot use to move without touching the earth. But once he told a lie his chariot touched the earth he was Dharmadevtha's aspect happen to pronounce a lie.. Another example is Viturar he was incarnation of Yamadharmaraja but no one cared him and his advises also denied, and they both of them saw all kind of sinful deeds. How much of mental struggling, facing inexplicable troubles, anything hellish life higher than this to a righteous nature in this world  they experienced in  full of their life.  If one performs impious deeds he has to take birth and experience all kind of hellish life, or pious deeds also has to take birth to experience all kind of the best life, perhaps one performs pious deeds and in some circumstances if he does impious deeds he has to experience the both of them if possible he may finished in one birth otherwise  he will stuck with  the birth-death  wheel  it will be switched on to act. Once he finishes the both of the deeds, at last he will attain gods realization.
Present days every stage of the human life gets  liberation, if an infant get mother's milk and motherly warmth  that moment is very delightful fulfillment liberation  to that infant . Once it grows timely education parents love,  good  friends, devotional nature affectionate grandparents, nice atmospheric circumstances which  liberate that child in a grand way. If he gets according to his wished subjectively seat in the collage that minute he got his liberation .  After education top-grade job,  lovable wife/husband, good nature  in-lows, nice mannered family leads him to a wonderful liberation,  in her/his old age knowledgeable spiritual activities  tranquilly  calm life he /she gets  truthful and real gods realization, it is called  the living personal liberated  soul. This life is really pious and celebratory  Heavenly life. 
Instead these days  activities  full of Ignorance there is no  stronghold of humanity   just  are leading very mysterious life. Discrimination level is higher than spiritual moral, cheating, disasters , troubles, particularly one causing extreme disturbances, distress, miseries lives. How many children abandoned by their own mothers?  how many young girls are committing suicide because of in lows  dispute brutal  cruelties and conduct by her spouse that causes grievous bodily harm or mental suffering. Any one can see a hell more than this?
There is no heaven or hell. The space  is completely vacant and dark  no light:
Every thing is in the earth, Lord Sri Krishna, was living in the earth, Sri Rama was living in the earth, mount kailash is in the earth, Vaikuntam also in the earth all achryas and sages, alwars, Nayanmars siddhas were living in the earth. What is not in the earth every thing is there, making heavenly life or hell kind of life is in our hand. If one has religious observance, calm mind, concentrated prayers, sincerely offers a drop of tear from his eyes , certainly  it will mingle with  a mighty ocean. The soul is represent  to a drop of tear and  merging into the mighty ocean which is representing union with Lord (God).



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