our Vadic prayers begins with the pranava mantram AUM. The sound AUM
produced by stimulation of the organs of hearing by vibrations
transmitted through the air is considered to have a profound effect
on the body and mind, also creates a calmness, serenity,and healing
strength. When one chant OM, he merges with the pure expression of
the energy within himself, which is the eternal home of the spirit
of life. It is
that as creation began, the divine, all and
every enveloping
acute awareness taken
the form of the first and
original vibration manifesting as sound "AUM"
is said before creation it was "Sunyaksha",means there was
no sky, every were completely emptiness; there was nothing, once the
power of Supreme revealed the divine truth letter by letter, A-U-M
the divine energy united in its three elementary aspects: Bhrahma
Sakti (creation), Vishnu Sakti (preservation) and Siva Sakti
(liberation,). "OM" the manifestation of God in form
of"saguna brahman". "OM" is the reflection of the
absolute reality, and there is neither beginning nor end "Adi
Anadi", (meaning: no beginning and no end)
Siva puranam explicate that The great sages
saw with their spiritual vision the
phenomenal Image of Parabrahmam
as in Linga swaroopam (incarnation) which no one can explain and no
one can understand.
( as different from Brahmah ) has no beginning and also it has no
end. This is neither sthulam (body) nor sukshumam.(concepts)
Everything is Brahmam and Brahmam is everything. Brahmam lovingly
created prakruthi (Mayadevi) with eight hands - bright luminous and
resplendent in all fine jewelry. At the same time he created a
handsome man also.
the man and the Devi who thus came into being were contemplating why
they had been created an invisible voice told both to do penance.
Accordingly they did penence for long number of years as advised by
the voice. In the process they both were sweating and the sweat
flowed like a stream from their body and the water became an ocean.
The man and the Devi created by Brahmam went into 'yoga-nidra'. From
that time the man was named Narayana and the prakruthi devi was
called Narayini..( Prakruthi
is the primordial matter which became the universe through the
process of evolution.) From the navel of Narayana came out a nice
lotus with innumerable petals. and an immeasurably
long and wide stalk. Brahma - the creator incarnated in the
Brahmah saw around him. He couldn't understand anything - who he was, where-from he came, why he was created and so forth. Hence he went down through the lotus stalk on and on for years and years but he could not reach the bottom. He became very tired and turned round and began going up the stalk again for years and years. He could not reach the top either. He was bewildered when he heard an invisible voice which asked him to do penance.
Brahmah saw around him. He couldn't understand anything - who he was, where-from he came, why he was created and so forth. Hence he went down through the lotus stalk on and on for years and years but he could not reach the bottom. He became very tired and turned round and began going up the stalk again for years and years. He could not reach the top either. He was bewildered when he heard an invisible voice which asked him to do penance.
he did penance for 12 years. At last Sri Narayana appeared in front
him. Brahma asked him who he was and why he had appeared before him.
Narayana said " I am the one that created you to do the work of
creation". Brahma was disbelieving and retorted " you say
that I have been created to carry on the work of creation. But I did
not create you. Then how did you come into being ?" They were
quarreling harshly when suddenly there appeared a luminous bright
Jyothi (light). They both looked at the four directions for the
source of the brightness. A big “stanu” (means pillar) appeared
in front of them. They were stunned and stopped quarrelling. Narayana
said to Brahma "you go up and see where this begins at the top
and I will go down and see the end at the bottom"
took form of the a white boar and drilling the earth went deep down.
From that time he was called 'Swedha Varaham' and the 'kalpam' became
'swedha varaha-kalpam'.(even today when we do any pooja 'sangalpam'
this word 'swedha varaha kalpe' is mentioned) Brahma went up on his
Hamsa vahanam (meaning: 'Hamsa' is a swan & 'Vahanam' is mount).
Years passed and they could not locate the end nor the beginning. and
they became humble and realized that there was one above them.
they were doing prayer they heard sound "AUM" . They were
searching for the source of the divine sound and they saw the letters
'agaaram' ( a ) on the south, on the north they saw " ugaaram "
( U ) and in between the "Magaaram" ( M ). and the first
letter ' Agaaram' was like 'Surya Mandalapradesam' ( sun ) ugaram was
like the brightness of Agni ( like fire) and 'Maagaram' was like the
Chandra mandala pradesam ( moon the satellite). Over that there
appeared the "brahmam" bright like spadigam (pure crystal)
with five faces and ten arms and with priceless jewels. God
'Parabrahmam' appeared in Jyothi swaroopam.
and Brahma bowed to Easwara and asked him " My lord, who are you
? Please explain to us about your avathara." Brahmam said "
I am the one that created Narayana and Narayana created Brahmah. I am
everything and every-thing is I. I am the "Brahmam". He
told Brahmah " Vishnu is my creation and he created you to
carry on the task of creation." he told Vishnu " I have
created you to sustain the universe. Rudhra who will be the liberator
is also my aspect." Vishnu Brahma and Rudra are from me”
Vishnu asked Brahmam " My Lord we now know the purpose of our
creation how will be get the 'sakthi' to do our duties."
was very happy and taught them "Om Thatvamasi"
'Maha-vakyam' (Mahavakyam means the great sentences) and
Mrithyn-jayam, Pancha-ksharam, Chinthamani, and Dhakshina-moorthi
Moola Jabam Brahma and Vishnu bowed to the lord. Brahmam told them
"Narayana, I am in 'Lingam' exactly how I appear now before you
with 5 faces. I will fulfil the desires of all my devotees.
my right side is Brahmah, on my left Vishnu and in centre Rudran -
all three united in me. You three are only my 'swaroopam' created to
carry on the three duties of creation, sustenance and liberation .
Though you are my 'swaroopam' I have no bondage with you. you three
can do your duties independently You pray me so that the universe
you will create in future will be prosperous and people will take you
as an example and be devoted to me.
to philosophy , the letter A represents creation, the letter U
refers to sustenance Vishnu and the letter M symbolizes Rudra the
final part of the cycle of existence, more broadly, OM it is said to
be the primordial sound that was present at the creation of the
universe. the original sound that contains all other sounds, all
words, all languages and all hymns.
OM consists three., A
(Vaishvanara), U (Hiranyagarbha), and M (Isvara), which symbolize the
beginning, duration, and dissolution of the universe and the
associated gods respectively Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva,
Patanjali says in his yoga sutra 1.28, OM should be chanted keeping
its meaning and significance in mind. Since OM is the representative
sound and symbol for Ishvara, it is important to keep the essence of
Ishvara in mind while chanting OM. He is teaching the method for
chanting OM.
in a comfortable cross-legged (Padmasanam pose) seated posture with
the spine upright, head, neck and spine in a vertical alignment.
Close the eyes and take a deep inhalation. While exhaling start with
audible expression the OM sound. Begin by feeling the vibration of
the "O" sound building up in the navel part and raising
upward and continue to chant, feel the vibration moving upward toward
the base of the throat. When the vibration reaches the throat,
convert the sound to a deep vocalizing sound of "M".
Continue to feel the vibration moving upward until it reaches the
crown of the head (called Sahasrara Padmam). You may repeat this
process two or more times. At the end of the final chant, continue to
sit still and feel the vibration of the OM sound to pass through the
entire body.
is said Sage Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the most ancient and
authentic texts on Yoga, further he said "Ishwara is a
particular Purusha Who has no bandages. His designation is the
Pranavam which is OM. Ones constant reiteration will vanish all
obstacles, Disease, doubt, carelessness, laziness .,the main cause
of mind distraction will arise because of rejection of belief,
non-achievement, instability, Certainly the pranava OM recitation
will remove all the obstacles the constant practice of the
Meditation of 'OM'. will bring wellness.
Padanjali emphasized that the continued recitation of OM is called
Udgita Pranayama (Means recitation) which fills one with peace,
calmness, serenity. When one recite it with complete confidence and
understanding OM with keep mind on Ishvara, it will bring to closer
to true nature, pure self. OM is the primordial sound and this
entire creation is a manifestation of this divine sound. It
represents the cosmic prana (the vital energy or atman).
Krishna says in
Bhagavat Gita: "I am the syllable
7:8) He also says the same thing in 9:17 "I am...the sacred
monosyllable" and 10:25 "Among words I am the monosyllable
Further Sri Krishna says "Involved
in the practice of concentration... reiteration the monosyllable OM--the Brahman--(Atma) remembering Me always, he...attains to the
supreme goal. I am easily attainable by that ever-unshakable Yogi who
constantly and daily remembers Me."– Bhagavad Gita 6:13;
Modern medical report says: The “OM”chant helps to bringing a
sense of peace, When chanting in repetition “OM” for 20 minutes
morning and evening is refreshing, strengthening and an effective
way to release stress. The benefits of chanting “OM.”
Effects:1.slows the heart beat 2.relaxes muscles 3.calms the body 4.
blood pressure brings normal 5.oxygenates the blood 6.massages the
spine, chest, core, throat and head through vibrations 7. generate
the relaxation 8.improves the health performance 9.increases clarity
and concentrated focus 10 soothes the mind.
chant AUM there is no formality and no age limitation and also no
gender differences.
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