Thursday, July 16, 2015

The power of illusion

Ya devi sarva bootheshu Vishnu Mayethi sabdhitha Namathasyai 
Namasthasyai Namathasyai Namo Namaha”(Devi Mahatmiyam)

All Puranas and Vedhantha philosophy are describing beautifully about (Maya) illusion. Maya is an association of the universe. Sri Bhagavatha puranam tells the story of Markandaya. The story goes like this once Markandeya requests Vishnu to explain about his maya. With in the minute Vishnu seems as an infant floating on a fig leaf in a deluge and then engulf the sage, the sage sees various worlds of the universe, gods with all 2x7=14 worlds and also he saw in the earth his hermitage in the infant's stomach. Then the infant opened his mouth the sage came out; in the spite of time who attempted to embrace the infant, but all disappeared and the sage realized that he was in his hermitage but he experienced happily Vishnu's maya.
Lord Sri Krishna said in Bhagavat Gita that “I incarnate in order on earth in human forms creates an earthly body for myself through my inscrutable divine power and enters into it. It gives others the impression that I was born of human parents”.
The same thing Sri Lalitha Sahasranama is also accepted and it says, “karanguli nagotpanna Narayana dhasakruthi: meaning : "She who created the ten incarnations of Narayana from the tip of her nails.
The ancient texts are emphasizing Maya is the primordial energy with extraordinary power and wisdom, in later interpretations say Maya is a "supernatural power,or illusion".
An annotation from Devi Bhagavatha Maha puranam when Vyaser explaining about Maya to Janamejayan Vyasar says “O Janamejaya Rajan this world is attracted by maya. Humans, demons, birds, beasts, their all right or wrong deeds run by maya according to their past sin or pious deeds.
Sri Adi Sankara composed five verses on Maya. Named Maya Panchagam. He delightfully describing the qualities of Maya he says Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavat Gita give us an thought about the nature of Maya. As per Upanishads, the inner mind , which has the three states they are awaken, dream and deep sleep is the true nature to all, Sri Sankara here mentions that the common wrong thoughts occurs caused by Maya, who is resourceful to making things. If one has absolute wisdom he will escape , otherwise he or she falls prey to Maya and believing the fake world as true and getting stuck in the materialistic of the world.
Nirupama Nithya Niramshake Api Akhande Mayi Chithi Sarva Vikalpanadi Shoonye Ghatayathi Jagadeesha Jeeva Bhedham Tvadh Agaditha Ghatana Patiyasi Maya
Meaning :-
The beginning of verse has shown clearly the gist of subject, and descriptions in the Upanishads. Jagadeesha Jeeva Behdham means the difference between the Jeeva and the Eswara.( jeeva means soul Eswara means divinity) Upanishads declare that, all names and forms are unreal. All the names are too not lasting. The actual Brahman, remains stable. The difference between Jeeva and Eswara is that, Eswara is well aware of the fact that, the name and form is illusive ,but an ignorant Jeeva continues to believe that, his body, mind, senses etc... are true and having trust on the illusive differences. Hence Sri Sankara advocates that happenings and confusions caused by Maya. Supreme Brahman, which is Eternal and is not affected by time and destiny.
The world, God and the individual soul appear to be different from one another only because of the limiting adjuncts. Intrinsically, there is neither difference nor identity among them, for all the three are in essence Pure Consciousness, homogeneous like a lump of salt. When the unconditioned Self has, as the limiting adjuncts, the body and organs which are characterized by ignorance, desire and action, it is called the transmigrating individual soul. When the limiting adjunct is the power of eternal and unlimited knowledge, which is Maya, the same Self is known as God, who is the antaryaamin or Inner Controller of the whole world. The same Self, free from all limiting adjuncts, is Brahman (Br.up.3.8.12,Sri Sankarabhashyam).
Brahma Satyam Jagat Mithya,
Jeevo Brahmaiva Na Aparah
Brahman alone is real, this world is unreal; the Jiva is identical with Brahman.
if you get a knowledge of Brahman, the illusion of the body and the world will be vanished.
Maya and Avidya seems to be different. But if a person really analyzes, his recognition is that soul is not different from almighty of god. Acharyas deep thinking is, there is no difference between soul (jeeva) and (Eswara) almighty of God. The Jeeva is the controlling the entire world, if one think with his small intellectual knowledge can understand a little; he mentioned that world means the body-mind.'Kshetra and kshetragya' The controlling mind will turn with in himself for a vision on paramatma one who is residing with in himself. The spiritual ignorant to induce to follow an unwise course of action and encourage to believe something that is not true.
Sri Acharyas analyzed theory is that there is nothing to call Maya. Wherefore the brhaman itself is accompany with illusory to perform to man, bird, or beast commitments of their own deeds. The witness is the entire illusory activities in the materialistic world. Thus the individual should realizes that the Brahman is with in himself. By means of it he will have experience and accrue intrinsic eternal bliss. Hence the individual nonstop his inquiry into the ultimate reality of consciousness which Sri Sankara beautifully depicts in the very first hymn itself. He was our prime preceptor we all follow his foot steps. 

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